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Escape the cold with these hot resort deals!

There's no better excuse to run away to the hot southern sun than this record breaking cold snap!  Book today and go tomorrow... you're only a flight away from hitting the beach and tipping back a few margaritas.  Last minute interline rates are available from your PERX travel planner directly so give them a call now and then  start packing... don't forget your sunglasses and sun block!

(rates below are price per room per night)

Planning on going as a group? Travel is better together! Share the experience of a new destination with group travel. Whether you're planning a wedding, wanting to do a girls getaway, or celebrating a special occasion, group travel is a great way get friends and families together and create memories to last a lifetime.

What's even better? You're eligible for special group incentives. Why not share the fun and extend your interline pricing to the whole group?

See pricing and availability by resort below! Call your PERX travel planner today and ask about booking group travel!

All pricing listed is per room per night based on double occupancy.